GedHTree HomepageIndex
1789 George Washington first president
1803 Louisiana Territory Purchased
1805 Lewis and Clark reach Pacific
1812 - 1814 War of 1812 with Britain
1846 War w/Mexico,Calif & NM acquired
1740 Colony population = 1.5 million
1754 - 1763 Anglo-French War
1773 Boston Tea Party tax rebellion
1775 - 1783 Revolutionary War
1776 Declaration of Independence
1664 English capture/rename New York
1681 La Salle explores Louisiana
1700 American colonies prosper
1720 Texas becomes Spanish possession
1735 Freedom of press established
 Amos Stetson
 b.1703 Scituate, Massachusetts
 d.1776 Braintree, Massachusetts
 Mary Stetson
 Rufus Stetson
 b.1737 Braintree, Massachusetts
 Benjamin Thayer
 b.1683 Braintree, Massachusetts
 d.1712 Braintree, Massachusetts
 Nancy Stetson
 Margaret Thayer
 Margaret Curtis
 b.1686 Braintree, Massachusetts
 Sally Stetson
 Nathaniel Thayer
 b.1658 Braintree, Massachusetts
 d.1728 Braintree, Massachusetts
 Jeremiah Stetson
 b.1776 Braintree, Massachusetts
 Hezekiah Thayer
 b.1696 Braintree, Massachusetts
 d.1774 Braintree, Massachusetts
 Hannah Hayden
 b.1661 Braintree, Massachusetts
 d.1743 Braintree, Massachusetts
 Timothy Stetson
 Comfort Thayer
 b.1744 Braintree, Massachusetts
 d.1828 Quincy, Massachusetts
 Christian Aspinwall
 b.1704 Boston, Massachusetts

1803 Louisiana Territory Purchased
1805 Lewis and Clark reach Pacific
1812 - 1814 War of 1812 with Britain
1846 War w/Mexico,Calif & NM acquired
1861 - 1865 Civil War, North vs. South
1754 - 1763 Anglo-French War
1773 Boston Tea Party tax rebellion
1775 - 1783 Revolutionary War
1776 Declaration of Independence
1789 George Washington first president
1681 La Salle explores Louisiana
1700 American colonies prosper
1720 Texas becomes Spanish possession
1735 Freedom of press established
1740 Colony population = 1.5 million
 Hezekiah Thayer
 b.1696 Braintree, Massachusetts
 d.1774 Braintree, Massachusetts
 Hezekiah Thayer
 b.1730 Braintree, Massachusetts
 d.1781 Randolph, Massachusetts
 Christian Aspinwall
 b.1704 Boston, Massachusetts
 Samuel Thayer
 b.1761 Randolph, Massachusetts
 d.1828 Randolph, Massachusetts
 Amos Stetson
 b.1703 Scituate, Massachusetts
 d.1776 Braintree, Massachusetts
 Samuel Thayer
 Mary Stetson
 b.1733 Braintree, Massachusetts
 d.1812 Randolph, Massachusetts
 Margaret Thayer
 Lily Thayer
 b.1784 Randolph, Massachusetts
 d.1866 Braintree, Massachusetts
 Amos Stetson
 b.1703 Scituate, Massachusetts
 d.1776 Braintree, Massachusetts
 Amasa Thayer
 John Stetson
 b.1731 Braintree, Massachusetts
 d.1811 Randolph, Massachusetts
 Margaret Thayer
 Sarah Stetson
 b.1763 Randolph, Massachusetts
 d.1840 Randolph, Massachusetts
 Samuel Payne
 b.1683 Braintree, Massachusetts
 d.1763 Braintree, Massachusetts
 Rachel Payne
 b.1741 Braintree, Massachusetts
 d.1793 Randolph, Massachusetts

1861 - 1865 Civil War, North vs. South
1867 Alaska Territory purchased
1869 Transcontinental Railroad complete
1879 Edison invents phono/light bulb
1898 Spanish-American War
1789 George Washington first president
1803 Louisiana Territory Purchased
1805 Lewis and Clark reach Pacific
1812 - 1814 War of 1812 with Britain
1846 War w/Mexico,Calif & NM acquired
1740 Colony population = 1.5 million
1754 - 1763 Anglo-French War
1773 Boston Tea Party tax rebellion
1775 - 1783 Revolutionary War
1776 Declaration of Independence
 John P D Wilkins
 Gideon Stetson
 b.1746 Braintree, Massachusetts
 d.1808 Randolph, Massachusetts
 Zeba Stetson
 b.1775 Randolph, Massachusetts
 Hannah Holbrook
 b.1751 Braintree, Massachusetts
 Susan Ann Stetson
 b.1826 Randolph, Massachusetts
 d.1846 Randolph, Massachusetts
 Jeremiah Thayer
 b.1754 Braintree, Massachusetts
 d.1818 Randolph, Massachusetts
 Betsey Thayer
 b.1780 Randolph, Massachusetts
 d.1869 Randolph, Massachusetts
 Elizabeth Dyer
 b.1759 Braintree, Massachusetts
 d.1846 Randolph, Massachusetts

1805 Lewis and Clark reach Pacific
1812 - 1814 War of 1812 with Britain
1846 War w/Mexico,Calif & NM acquired
1861 - 1865 Civil War, North vs. South
1867 Alaska Territory purchased
1773 Boston Tea Party tax rebellion
1775 - 1783 Revolutionary War
1776 Declaration of Independence
1789 George Washington first president
1803 Louisiana Territory Purchased
1700 American colonies prosper
1720 Texas becomes Spanish possession
1735 Freedom of press established
1740 Colony population = 1.5 million
1754 - 1763 Anglo-French War
 Martha Sullivan Stetson
 b.1808 Randolph, Massachusetts
 Amos Stetson
 b.1703 Scituate, Massachusetts
 d.1776 Braintree, Massachusetts
 Ellridge Gerry Stetson
 b.1810 Randolph, Massachusetts
 Gideon Stetson
 b.1746 Braintree, Massachusetts
 d.1808 Randolph, Massachusetts
 Margaret Thayer
 Lewis T Stetson
 b.1813 Randolph, Massachusetts
 d.1902 Randolph, Massachusetts
 Zeba Stetson
 b.1775 Randolph, Massachusetts
 Ichabod Holbrook
 b.1719 Weymout, Massachusetts
 d.1788 Braintree, Massachusetts
 Bradford Stetson
 b.1815 Randolph, Massachusetts
 Hannah Holbrook
 b.1751 Braintree, Massachusetts
 Hannah "Anna" Hayden
 b.1727 Braintree, Massachusetts
 d.1775 Braintree, Massachusetts
 Caaroline E Stetson
 b.1817 Randolph, Massachusetts
 d.1900 Randolph, Massachusetts
 Jeremiah Thayer
 b.1716 Braintree, Massachusetts
 Jabez Sawen Stetson
 b.1819 Randolph, Massachusetts
 Jeremiah Thayer
 b.1754 Braintree, Massachusetts
 d.1818 Randolph, Massachusetts
 Joanna Richards
 b.1719 Boston, Massachusetts
 d.1813 Randolph, Massachusetts
 Polly Stetson
 b.1822 Randolph, Massachusetts
 Betsey Thayer
 b.1780 Randolph, Massachusetts
 d.1869 Randolph, Massachusetts
 Peter Dyer
 b.1712 Braintree, Massachusetts
 d.1772 Braintree, Massachusetts
 Hannah Stetson
 b.1824 Randolph, Massachusetts
 Elizabeth Dyer
 b.1759 Braintree, Massachusetts
 d.1846 Randolph, Massachusetts
 Dorothy Hayden
 b.1721 Braintree, Massachusetts
 d.1812 Braintree, Massachusetts
 Susan Ann Stetson
 b.1826 Randolph, Massachusetts
 d.1846 Randolph, Massachusetts

1803 Louisiana Territory Purchased
1805 Lewis and Clark reach Pacific
1812 - 1814 War of 1812 with Britain
1846 War w/Mexico,Calif & NM acquired
1861 - 1865 Civil War, North vs. South
1754 - 1763 Anglo-French War
1773 Boston Tea Party tax rebellion
1775 - 1783 Revolutionary War
1776 Declaration of Independence
1789 George Washington first president
1681 La Salle explores Louisiana
1700 American colonies prosper
1720 Texas becomes Spanish possession
1735 Freedom of press established
1740 Colony population = 1.5 million
 James Stevens
 Elizabeth Stevens
 b.1677 Boston, Massachusetts
 d.1740 Plymouth, Massachusetts
 Sarah Woodward