Source for: Loring Nehemiah Hayden, 1 MAR 1841 - UNKNOWN
Name source: S110Page: 2295
Text: 0554132
Name source: S241Text: Date of Import: 30 Apr 2009
Birth source: S110Page: 2318
Text: 0554132
Birth source: S241Text: Date of Import: 30 Apr 2009
_MIL S28Text: Name: Loring N Hayden , Residence: Braintree, Massachusetts Occupation: Farmer Enlistment Date: 15 November 1861 Distinguished Service: DISTINGUISHED SERVICE Side Served: Union State Served: Massachusetts Unit Numbers: 924 924 924 Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 15 November 1861 at the age of 20Enlisted in Company G, 24th Infantry Regiment Massachusetts on 19 November 1861.Promoted to Full Corporal on 15 October 1863Reenlisted in Company G, 24th Infantry Regiment Massachusetts on 04 January 1864Mustered out Company G, 24th Infantry Regiment Massachusetts on 20 January 1866 in Richmond, VA 0554132
_MIL S27Page: 24th Infantry Regiment MA
Text: Date Mustered: 20 January 1866 Regiment Type: Infantry Enlisted Died of Disease or Accident: 7 Officers Died of Disease or Accident: 90 Enlisted Killed or Mortally Wounded: 1 Regimental Soldiers and History: List of SoldiersRegimental HistoryTWENTY-FOURTH REGIMENT MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEER INFANTRYTHREE YEARS (Re-enlisted)The 24th Regt. Mass. Vol. Inf., the New England Guards Regiment, was recruited at Camp Massasoit, Readville, under the personal supervision of Maj. Thomas G. Stevenson of the old New England Guards Battalion-the 4th Battalion-M. V. M., who became its first colonel. Twenty-seven of the officers of the 24th Regt. came from this old battalion. The recruits were mustered into the service from time to time as they arrived in camp, beginning early in September, 1861. The regiment remained at Readville until Dec. 9, when it left for Annapolis, Md., where it became a part of Foster's Brigade, Burnside's Coast Division. It sailed from Annapolis Jany. 9, 1862, as a part of the Burnside expedition bound for the coast of North Carolina.Here on Feb. 8, it was engaged with loss at Roanoke Island, and again March 14, it was in action at Newbern where it suffered severely.In May, 1862, divisions were formed, and the 24th became apart of Stevenson's (2d) Brigade, Foster's (1st) Division. About the 20th of March the regiment made an expedition to Little Washington, and a little later another up the Neuse River. Moving again toward Little Washington, on June 5 it metthe enemy at Tranter's Creek, losing 5 killed and 9 wounded.Companies B and D formed a part of the garrison of Little Washington during the siege, July 8 to Sept. 12, and were engaged with loss Sept. 6 November 1, eight companies went on the Tarboro expedition and were engaged at Rawle's Mill, Nov. 2, with loss. On Nov. 12, Co. H was in action at Batchelder's Creek with loss.The 24th took part in the Goldsboro expedition, Dec. 10 to20, 1862, but was only engaged at Whitehall where its loss was slight.I
_MIL S241Text: Date of Import: 30 Apr 2009
Occupation source: S28Text: Name: Loring N Hayden , Residence: Braintree, Massachusetts Occupation: Farmer Enlistment Date: 15 November 1861 Distinguished Service: DISTINGUISHED SERVICE Side Served: Union State Served: Massachusetts Unit Numbers: 924 924 924 Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 15 November 1861 at the age of 20Enlisted in Company G, 24th Infantry Regiment Massachusetts on 19 November 1861.Promoted to Full Corporal on 15 October 1863Reenlisted in Company G, 24th Infantry Regiment Massachusetts on 04 January 1864Mustered out Company G, 24th Infantry Regiment Massachusetts on 20 January 1866 in Richmond, VA 0554132
Occupation source: S241Text: Date of Import: 30 Apr 2009
Residence source: S28Text: Name: Loring N Hayden , Residence: Braintree, Massachusetts Occupation: Farmer Enlistment Date: 15 November 1861 Distinguished Service: DISTINGUISHED SERVICE Side Served: Union State Served: Massachusetts Unit Numbers: 924 924 924 Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 15 November 1861 at the age of 20Enlisted in Company G, 24th Infantry Regiment Massachusetts on 19 November 1861.Promoted to Full Corporal on 15 October 1863Reenlisted in Company G, 24th Infantry Regiment Massachusetts on 04 January 1864Mustered out Company G, 24th Infantry Regiment Massachusetts on 20 January 1866 in Richmond, VA 0554132
Residence source: S241Text: Date of Import: 30 Apr 2009
Death source: S241Text: Date of Import: 30 Apr 2009
Residence source: S110Page: 2318
Text: 0554132
Residence source: S241Text: Date of Import: 30 Apr 2009