Note H650
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]
Seh of Boston
Note H651
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]
4 sons and 8 daughters
Note H652
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]
Brother of Mary Cronoble
Surname Given Name Middle Initial Company Unit Rank-Induction Rank-Dis charge Cronoble George W. E. 83 Illinois Infantry Private Pr ivate
Notes Box # Extraction # Record #
Cronnoble George W., 000539 0020 00000249
Note H653
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]
He was a cordwainer in 1848. She is in 1850 census at Randolph.
He age 22
Note H654
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]
Abigail Bass & her daughter Sarah Savil are mentioned 1769 in will of Joseph Crosby
Note H655
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]
Living in Boston 1789
Note H656
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]
died a. 49, gs., So. Berwick, Maine. (Register Vol.10 p.57) in the Army.
Ebenezer Crosby was elected surveyor of highways 1726,1729, constable 1731. He was in the Army at Berwick, Maine at the time he made his will "being very sick and weak" and died the following day. In the will he mentions a son Ebenezer, apparently born out of wedlock and not by his wife, Bathsheba, as the son "a child called Ebenezer Crosby" as he is called when the father's half brothers and sisters quit claimed the estate to Maj. Joseph Crosby, received only that part of the estate mentioned in the father's will and did not inherit the widow Bathsheba Crosby's dower interest in the estate.
S.P.37-307: Will of Ebenezer Crosby of No. Precinct, Braintree, yeoman, and now a soldier in the town of Berwick in the Provincial Service, in the Co. of York, being very sick and weak, etc. To son Ebenezer 2 acres salt meadow lying by Stan Brook and 2 1/2 a. salt meadow in Braintree at Dirty Bridge joining to Col.. Quincy's farm, 8a. salt meadow in Squantum & 5a. upland in Sorrally Plain and 32 odd a. in Milton. To wife Bathsheba a bond of £50 that I have against William Penniman and a note of £15 against Samuel Thaxter of Hingham. Wife & Maj. John Billings executors.
Witnesses: Peter Grant, Moses Butler, Solomon Lakeman. Dated Jul.6,1744, sworn to by witnesses Butler & Lakeman Oct.24,1744, proved Dec.4,1744.
39-263, Inventory of that part of estate disposed of by will, taken Nov.28,1744:
2a. salt at Stand Brook, 2 1/2a. salt at Dirty Bridge, 8a. salt in Squantum meadow, 5 1/2a. in Sorrally Plain, 34a. woodland.
39-602, Inventory of intestate estate taken Apr.13,1745. Homestead 42a., house, barn & corn house, 4a. salt marsh, etc. & includes 1 pillion & cloths, 1 male pillion, etc. £350/11/1 old tenor.
40-417: Division of 2/3 part of real estate of Ebenezer Crosby - A warrant to divide 2/3 of estate not divided by will, between his brothers and sisters or legal representatives into 7 parts, 1/7 to Joseph Crosby Esq., & to Thomas Crosby, Simon Crosby, Stephen Pain, Samuel Pain, Eleanor Penniman, & children of Hannah Beal's deceased. Division made Nov.17,1747. West half of the mansion house goes to Stephen Pain, east half to the widow.
S.D.76-30, Mar.5,1744(5): Stephen Pain of Boston & Elinor Penniman of Braintree, widow, to Joseph Crosby Esq. of Braintree all our right in estate of brother Ebenezer Crosby deceased except what he willed to a child called Ebenezer Crosby and that part of estate set off to his widow for life.
Note H657
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]
Living in Boston 1789.
Note H658
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]
brother of Simon.He was in King Philip's War 1675 (Reg. Vol.43).
He was very active in town affairs, often mentioned in the records & was admitted to full communion at church Jun.13,1686.
He lived east of the present Eventide Home on Adams St. where the Crane house now (1953) stands, on land in Salter's Farm, being part of the 160 acres bought of Elisha Hutchinson by William Tyng.
13-735: Will of Joseph Crosbe of Bra. being now upon a sick bed, Nov.16,1695 - Feb.20,1695/6:
Wife Ellen shall have & improve my whole estate for the benefit of her & my children with the children that she brought with her, during her widowhood until my eldest son is of age, then such part as she & my overseers shall agree, but if she marries £100 & the stuff she brought with her. To eldest son a double portion & to other four sons equal shares. To dau. Anna Crosbie £100 besides what she hath had already. If sons die without issue then share to go to the others. £5 to poor of church here. Friends Mr. John Wilson, Lt. Alexander Marsh, James Brackett & Nathaniel Wales to see my will performed & make a division. My son Joseph Crosbe sole executor when he is 21.
Wit: Joseph Neale, Nath'l Speare, Joseph Parmenter.
-736, Inventory, Dec.23,1695 of Joseph Crosby who deceased Nov.27,1695.
20a. at the 80a. lot
2 house lots 10a.
7a. at the island
18a. at the ox pasture
35a. at & near Covey's lot
5a. swamp
18a. at Hough's Neck
8a. meadow & 4a. upland lot of Jn. Dosset
1a. meadow
5a. bet. Col.. Quincy & Jos. Penniman
20a. salt meadow in several parcels
40a. of Iron Works land & 7a. cedar swamp
a share in the Pink? called the Unity
S.P.22-566: Samuel Paine, clothier, made administrator of his mother Eleanor Crosby, widow, deceased, Jun.18,1722.