Note H579
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]
[Scott A Haney.GED]
NAME: Census record. Obit information in poss of Ruth Fratzke which was given t o her by a g randson's wife in Nov of 1993, Mrs Lisle Morrison (Claric e).
MRS. MORRISON,92,WAS LOVED PIONEER CAME TO COLERIDGE 52 YEARS AGO, HAVIN G PART Indiana COUNT Y DEVELOPMENT (The following beautiful tribute to Grandma Morri son was writt en by one who had known her intimately for ma ny years). Nancy Elizabeth Conser Morrison ente red into th e life eternal on Dec. 30, 1931, at her home iin Coleridge, age 92 year s , 5 mon ths, and 23 days, The end came suddenly but peacefully Wednesday mornin g after she has risen
and dressed for the day. Grandma Morrison, as she was most affectionatel y and generall y called by her friends and acquaintances in the community, liv ed a most active and useful l ife. She was endowed by nature with a keen in tellect, a generous
disposition, and an indomitable spirit. She was born in Clarion county, Pennsylvania , o n July 7, 1839, of sturdy French stock, and her forbears in this countr y won Revolutiona ry honors. She was united in marriage with James Morriso n at Hopkinton, Iowa, in Dec 1855. I n the spring of 1880, they immigrated t o Cedar county,Nebr., purchassed land and settled a t Norris, two and a hal f miles east of here. Mrs. Morrison was the mother of 13 children: o n e died in infancy and twelve grew to maturity. The covered wagon days, so d houses, buffal o trails, life on the bleak prairies in remote section s of our beloved Nebraska, the establi shment of town and commumity lif e, building up of the early rural schools and educational s ystem, and th e general development of our later civilizaation were all famili ar landmarks i n the mind and heart of this remarkable pioneer woman, a spi rit which she maintained throug h our more modern times and to the cl ose of her career. In 1912, Grandma Morrison and her da ughter, Lula, purc hased a home in Coleridge where they have since resided. She was a re sid ent of Cedar
county for 52 years. Grandma was a most ardent gardener and spent m ost of the warm sum mer days in the intelligent cultivation of a wonder ful flower and vegetable garden on the gr ounds of her home. Alway s a devout Christian, Mrs. Morrison was for years affiliated with t he Presby terian and later
with the Congregational churches. The deceased is survived by eight of her childre n. A ppropriate funeral services were held in the Coleridge Congregat ional church on New Year' s Day, conducted by Rev. Wm. S. Rowden. Intermen t was made in the
beautiful hillside pioneer cemetery at Norris.[2485774[1].GED]
NAME: Census record. Obit information in poss of Ruth Fratzke which was given t o her by a g randson's wife in Nov of 1993, Mrs Lisle Morrison (Claric e).
MRS. MORRISON,92,WAS LOVED PIONEER CAME TO COLERIDGE 52 YEARS AGO, HAVIN G PART Indiana COUNT Y DEVELOPMENT (The following beautiful tribute to Grandma Morri son was writt en by one who had known her intimately for ma ny years). Nancy Elizabeth Conser Morrison ente red into th e life eternal on Dec. 30, 1931, at her home iin Coleridge, age 92 year s , 5 mon ths, and 23 days, The end came suddenly but peacefully Wednesday mornin g after she has risen
and dressed for the day. Grandma Morrison, as she was most affectionatel y and generall y called by her friends and acquaintances in the community, liv ed a most active and useful l ife. She was endowed by nature with a keen in tellect, a generous
disposition, and an indomitable spirit. She was born in Clarion county, Pennsylvania , o n July 7, 1839, of sturdy French stock, and her forbears in this countr y won Revolutiona ry honors. She was united in marriage with James Morriso n at Hopkinton, Iowa, in Dec 1855. I n the spring of 1880, they immigrated t o Cedar county,Nebr., purchassed land and settled a t Norris, two and a hal f miles east of here. Mrs. Morrison was the mother of 13 children: o n e died in infancy and twelve grew to maturity. The covered wagon days, so d houses, buffal o trails, life on the bleak prairies in remote section s of our beloved Nebraska, the establi shment of town and commumity lif e, building up of the early rural schools and educational s ystem, and th e general development of our later civilizaation were all famili ar landmarks i n the mind and heart of this remarkable pioneer woman, a spi rit which she maintained throug h our more modern times and to the cl ose of her career. In 1912, Grandma Morrison and her da ughter, Lula, purc hased a home in Coleridge where they have since resided. She was a re sid ent of Cedar
county for 52 years. Grandma was a most ardent gardener and spent m ost of the warm sum mer days in the intelligent cultivation of a wonder ful flower and vegetable garden on the gr ounds of her home. Alway s a devout Christian, Mrs. Morrison was for years affiliated with t he Presby terian and later
with the Congregational churches. The deceased is survived by eight of her childre n. A ppropriate funeral services were held in the Coleridge Congregat ional church on New Year' s Day, conducted by Rev. Wm. S. Rowden. Intermen t was made in the
beautiful hillside pioneer cemetery at Norris.
Note H580
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]
Title: Conser Family Tree on posted by Jim Bish
Call Number:
Media: Book