Note H188
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]
S.P.58-238, Mar.27,1761: Mary Bass widow made administrator of Daniel Bass, husbandman, & bonded with Samuel Bass, gent., of Braintree & William Torrey of Boston, baker, & she is made guardian of Molly & Thomas Bass, under 14.
Note H189
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]
died age 95yrs 10mo 17ds (Tomb, built in 1837)
He was elected warden 1791, was elected deacon in 1799 says the Jonathan Marsh Mss.
He was a yeoman in 1850 census, lived with son Lewis on the ancient homestead site on Granite St. Quincy, previously lived on Franklin St. near Pearl St.
Note H190
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]
Deborah wife of Joseph admitted to full communion Aug.2,1702
Note H191
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]
The Glover Gen. erroneously calls her daughter of Dea. Joseph Bass of Boston, but she is mentioned as a daughter in the will of David Bass of Braintree.
Note H192
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]
He was a clothier.
According to his father's will dated 1726 he had built a house in the South Precinct near Bear Swamp, near Stoughton line, but he did not live there long apparently as his children by his 2nd wife were baptized at the North Parish. He lived later on part of Salter's farm in present Wollaston where National Sailors Home was later.
He was elected fence viewer 1715,1716, hogreave 1719, fence viewer 1722,1730, surveyor of highways 1723,28,31,37,1739,42,48,54, tithingman 1724,1727, constable 1724 and 1732 but refused to serve then.
S.P. - Will of David Bass, gent. Feb.14,1760 - Nov.23,1764:
To wife Bethiah a good and decent suit of mourning apparel & that part of the goods she brought at marriage and during her life improvement of 1 acre of salt marsh lately bought of Jonathan Bass & improvement of half of my right in the house in which I dwell, 1/2 barn & improvement of 1/3 remainder of estate in Salter's Farm in the No. Precinct, 1/3 my pew in the meeting house in said precinct. To son David 1/3 of upland and salt marsh, 1/2 house & barn in Salter's Farm valued at £170 lately conveyed to him by deed but not paid for, and 2 acres & 1 1/2 acres salt marsh in Salter's Farm, all my woodland in 600 acres, 1/2 pew, 1/2 tools & apparel. To son Gregory 15 a. upland 5 a. salt & all right in house & barn thereon & my clothiers shop in Salter's Farm, 1/2 pew & 1 a. salt marsh. To dau. Mary Hayward wife of Aaron Hayward, cordwainer, 40 a. purchase land near Bear's Swamp valued at £550 old tenor already given her by deed plus 5 shillings. To dau. Hannah Nightingale wife of Joseph Nightingale, yeoman 40 a. adjoining the above, and 5 shillings. To dau. Ruth Adams wife of William Adams of Braintree, cordwainer £33/6/8 with what she already has. To dau. Elizabeth Glover wife of Joseph Glover Of Boston, Suffolk, Mariner £20 and 1 cow. Remainder to sons David & Gregory & they executors. witness: Samuel Savil Jr., Joseph Cleverly, Esther Cleverly
Note H193
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]
died age 89.
She is in 1850 census with son John
Note H194
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]
Aug.18,1735 (sic) bapt. Apr.4,1725 (middle parish)
Note H195
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]
died a. 49yrs. 3mo. (Fam. Rec.) (of small pox).
"He was buried under an old apple tree near the old Hayward house at the Neck"
Jonathan Bass held many town offices, but most if not all of these probably refer to Col. Jonathan5(Samuel4), who was quite a prominent man. It is impossible to distinguish the two for certain.
S.P.77-527: Will of Jonathan Bass, cordwainer, Jul.4,1778 - Sep.25,1778:
To wife Hannah use of entire estate except as follows, while a widow, as law directs if she marries, between my two children - Jonathan & Susanna. To son Jonathan my gun and accoutrements. Wife executor.
Witness: Jonathan Hayward, Louis Hayward, Ebenezer Thayer.
2nd cousins