Note H1670
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]
died between 23 June and 22 Aug 1865. (Norfolk Probate, 18411.)
Note H1671
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]
Civil War- discharged with disability in Boston
Note H1673
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]
He was elected surveyor of highways 1747,1753,1762,1772, constable 1775, on a committee for hiring men in Rev. War 1777-9, constable 1784,1785 with his son Ichabod Jr.
87-133 - Ichabod Holbrook administrator of Ichabod Holbrook, Mar.5,1788 & bonded with Thomas & Nathaniel Holbrook.
87-350, Inventory, Jul.8,1788: Pew in Rev. Mr. Walds Meeting house.
mansion house, barn & 12 a. the house lot.
2/3 of 17 a. undivided land adjoining the house lot.
29 a. at west side of road opposite the house.
2/3 of 43 a. lying undivided with the administrator.
5 1/2 a. Pine Swamp, Mendon.
7 a. meadow adjoining the pond.
7 1/2 a. called the Pond lot.
10 a. called the great meadow.
25 a. woodland in Stoughton.
4 a. ditto at the Blew Hill.
1 a. cedar swamp.
4 a. salt marsh.
88-80 - Paid Lemuel Field for digging a grave 0/1/6
Paid Elisha French for making a coffin 0/6/0.
Note H1674
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]
He-resided on the Holbrook homestead in "Old Spain." Indenture made 21 Sept. 1721, between Abiezer Holbrook and Ruth his wife, David Holbrook and Mary his wife, Nathaniel Symmes and Lydia his wife, Sarah Holbrook, spinster, and John Holbrook, all of Weymouth, which Abiezer, David, Lydia, Sarah and John are surviving children of Ichabod Holbrook deceased, one of the sons of Capt. John on one part, and Francis Holmes of Boston on the other part, Sarah their mother being widow of Ichabod. (Suffolk Deeds, 36: 112.) The above children sold their interest in one-half of the tavern called the Bunch of Grapes in King Street, Boston, to Francis Holmes on 21 Sept. 1721.
Note H1675
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]
died young
Note H1676
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]
died young
Note H1677
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]
died single
Note H1678
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]
Resided on Pond St. on "Moore's Farm". He was elected surveyor of highways 1786, constable 1787, surveyor 1789, constable 1790, collector 1790, constable 1791,1792, on the alewives committee 1791
Note H1679
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]
At age of 9 years he was apprenticed to Samuel French (data of S.A. Bates). In 1850 he was a boot manufacturer on Washington St. south of Mt. Vernon Ave. & north of Robinson Ave. House now standing (1955).
5th cousins
Note H1680
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]
She was called, in the will of Thomas Holbrook, dated I Dec. 1668, "my daughter Jane Drake."
Note H1681
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]
He resided on Liberty St., Randolph, was a bootmaker in 1850
1st cousins
Note H1682
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]
His heirs were Sanford -Holbrook of Ashland, Wis., Carrie Taylor of Kansas City, Kans., Lucy Holbrook of same place, Charles Sumner Holbrook of, same: place, Arthur Walker Holbrook of same place, grandchildren; and sons George Holbrook and Frederick Henry Holbrook. (Ibid. 28917.)