
Note    H1420         Index
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]

died single


Note    H1421         Index
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]

[2242] S. P. 85:227, May 9, 1786 - Jonathan Baxter & Elijah Veasey Jr. administrators of Henry Hayden, housewright, dec., & bonded with Joseph Field, cordwainer & Edward Willard Baxter, cordwainer.

85:306, Inventory: 20 a. household & house & barn; mowing land adjoining Benjamin Gay; 6 a. pasture formerly common £414/16/. The widow having six young children may keep the furniture & indoor moveables at present, May 30, 1786.

85:594 - Widow Sarah's dower set off Aug. 21, 1786, S.W. half of house from middle of front door running through the house & the N.E. half of the barn & about 1/2 a. N.W. on country road & land set off as 3 lots to widow Grizzel Apthorp N.E. said Apthorp's land & the "gleob" belonging to the Episcopal Church, S.E. on other land of sd. Hayden, S.W. on town way leading to South commons extending S. up and way to 1st black oak tree southward of the bridge standing near the way, then across said land to the wall that divides the "gleob" from land at Capt. Moses Brackett reserving to the other heirs the land front of the N.E. end of the house & liberty of passing round the house, also land between the S.W. end of the barn and sd. town way & liberty passing from the house to the barn.

85:668 - Sarah Hayden, widow, app. guardian to her six children Sally, Henry, Beckey Benson, Ruggles, Ebenezer & Lilly, under 14 yrs. of age & bonded with Jona. Baxter & Elijah Veasey.
90:535, Account, Sep. 13, 1791 mentions sale of house at request of widow, now Sarah Pierce, guard. of her children.


Note    H1422         Index
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]

died a.90 at Quincy, 78 Cleverly Ct.


Note    H1423         Index
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]

1st wife


Note    H1424         Index
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]

1st cousins


Note    H1425         Index
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]

died young


Note    H1426         Index
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]



Note    H1427         Index
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]

of Wollaston, clerk of Mass. State Senate.


Note    H1428         Index
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]

as 2nd wife


Note    H1429         Index
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]

[2262] N. P. 9123 - Jonathan Wild Jr. administrator of Jacob Hayden of Braintree, Feb. 8, 1820.

N. P. 9134 - Benjamin Hiscock made guardian of Lois & Eunice Hayden, Aug. 14, 1804.

2nd cousins


Note    H1430         Index
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]

m,entioned in father's will 1747


Note    H1431         Index
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]

5th cousins

"James M. Hayden & Adeline S. Wild of Montrose, Berks County, Pennsylvania. formerly of Milton" (Quincy Patriot of Jul.2,1842).


Note    H1432         Index
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]

died young