
Note    H1256         Index
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]

JOSHUA GARVERICK, farmer; P. O. Whetstone; is the eldest of thechildren born to John and Rachel (Ruhl) Garverick; the former was bornin York County, Pennsylvania, March 24, 1805, ans was married Dec. 20, 1832. Mrs.Garverick was born April 11, 1812.

They emigrated to the West in1833, and lived in Shauck (Johnsville) one year, when they located in the northpart of Congress Township, where he had previously entered 160 acres ofland, which he cleared, it being covered with timber; he then had onlyone horse to work with, but exchanged with a neighbor, who had an oxteam, and thus they managed to get along. Their cows died, and theyhad many difficulties to encounter, such as are only experienced bypioneers.

Although having but little to begin with, yet he succeededin obtaining 400 acres of land; he died Jan. 27, 1872, having raised afamily of six children, who are among the substantial citizens of thiscounty. Joshua was 22 years of age when he began upon his own responsibility; Jan. 20, 1856, he was married to Margaret Bordner, who was born in Perry Township, and a daughter of Henry and Margaret (Haws)Bordner, of York County, Pennsylvania. After Mr. Garverick was married he livedseveral years in Bloomfield Township, renting land; in 1866 he purchasedeighty acres of the homestead farm, to which he has since added bypurchase, until he now has 120 acres. They have eight children-Ellen,Mary A., Jason, Milton, Melrow, Bertha, Homer and Loyd. Mr. Garverickis a member of the Reformed Church, and was born Nov. 4, 1833.

Abbrev: Grave Stone Inscriptions-Morrow County Geneologica
Title: Grave Stone Inscriptions-Morrow County Geneological Society, 1989,Vol., 3
Page: pg. 40
Abbrev: History of Morrow County, Ohio, 1880
Title: History of Morrow County, Ohio, 1880
Author: W. H. Perrin and J. H. Battle
Publication: August 1880 by O. L. Baskin & Co., Historical Publishers
Page: pg. 687
Abbrev: History of Morrow County, Ohio, 1989
Title: History of Morrow County, Ohio, 1989
Page: pgs. 74-75
Abbrev: Ohio Death Certificate Index
Title: Ohio Death Certificate Index
Page: Vol. 1181, #54282
Abbrev: Grave Stone Inscriptions-Morrow County Geneologica
Title: Grave Stone Inscriptions-Morrow County Geneological Society, 1989,Vol., 3
Abbrev: Morrow County, Ohio Vital Records, 1830-1893
Title: Morrow County, Ohio Vital Records, 1830-1893
Publication: August 31, 1999
He lived in n North Bloomfield Township, Morrow County, Ohio, rentingland. He also purchased 80 acres of homestead farm. His mainoccupation was that of a farmer, and his religion was that of a MemberReformed Church.

From the History of Morrow County, Ohio, 1880, pg. 687.


He lived in n North Bloomfield Township, Morrow County, Ohio, renting land. He also purchased 80 acres of homestead farm. His main occupation was that of a farmer, and his religion was that of a Member Reformed Church.

From the History of Morrow County, Ohio, 1880, pg. 687.

JOSHUA GARVERICK, farmer; P. O. Whetstone; is the eldest of the children born to John and Rachel (Ruhl) Garverick; the former was born in York County, Pennsylvania, March 24, 1805, ans was married Dec. 20, 1832. Mrs. Garverick was born April 11, 1812. They emigrated to the West in 1833, and lived in Shauck (Johnsville) one year, when they located in the north part of Congress Township, where he had previously entered 160 acres of land, which he cleared, it being covered with timber; he then had only one horse to work with, but exchanged with a neighbor, who had an ox team, and thus they managed to get along. Their cows died, and they had many difficulties to encounter, such as are only experienced by pioneers. Although having but little to begin with, yet he succeeded in obtaining 400 acres of land; he died Jan. 27, 1872, having raised a family of six children, who are among the substantial citizens of this county. Joshua was 22 years of age when he began upon his own responsibility; Jan. 20, 1856, he was married to Margaret Bordner, who was born in Perry Township, and a daughter of Henry and Margaret (Haws) Bordner, of York County, Pennsylvania. After Mr. Garverick was married he lived several years in Bloomfield Township, renting land; in 1866 he purchased eighty acres of the homestead farm, to which he has since added by purchase, until he now has 120 acres. They have eight children-Ellen, Mary A., Jason, Milton, Melrow, Bertha, Homer and Loyd. Mr. Garverick is a member of the Reformed Church, and was born Nov. 4, 1833.


Note    H1257         Index
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]

From the History of Morrow County, 1880.

LEVI R. GARVERICK, famer; P. O. Whe tstone; is the seventh child of John F. and Rachel (Ruhl) Garverick; and was bo rn May 2, 1848, in Morrow Co.; he commenced doing for himself when of age, and farmed on the homestead for three years, when his father died, and then he obta ined 80 acres of land in Congress Township, on which he lived for six years, when he sold it and brought the property he now owns. He was married Sept. 23, 1869, t o Elizabeth, daughter of Samuel and Margaret Brokaw; she was born July 18, 1848 , in Crawford County, Ohio. They have four children, all of whom are living-Alice, John F., Elzie and Maggie M. He is a consistent member of the German Reformed Church; owns 100 acres of land, well improved, good location; and has an attrac tive and beautiful home[kece.ged]

From the History of Morrow County, 1880.

LEVI R. GARVERICK, famer; P. O. Whetstone; is the seventh child of John F. and Rachel (Ruhl) Garverick; and was born May 2, 1848, in Morrow Co.; he commenced doing for himself when of age, and farmed on the homestead for three years, when his father died, and then he obtained 80 acres of land in Congress Township, on which he lived for six years, when he sold it and brought the property he now owns. He was married Sept. 23, 1869, to Elizabeth, daughter of Samuel and Margaret Brokaw; she was born July 18, 1848, in Crawford County, Ohio. They have four children, all of whom are living-Alice, John F., Elzie and Maggie M. He is a consistent member of the German Reformed Church; owns 100 acres of land, well improved, good location; and has an attractive and beautiful home.