Note H1244
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]
Abbrev: Morrow County, Ohio Vital Records, 1830-1893
Title: Morrow County, Ohio Vital Records, 1830-1893
Publication: August 31, 1999
1 boy, 2 girls
Note H1245
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]
4th cousins once removed
Note H1246
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]
Note H1247
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]
1 boy and 1 girl
Note H1248
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]
1 boy 4 girls
Note H1249
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]
1 girl
Note H1250
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]
2nd cousins
Note H1251
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]
2nd cousins3 boys, 5 girls
Note H1252
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]
Note H1253
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]
3 children
Note H1254
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]
His farm located 7 miles north of Shauck (Johnsville) and known as John F Gerberich farm. When he moved there he built a log cabin with greased paper windows, blankets for doors, a ladder for a staircase, chimmney of sticks and clay with an open fireplace
His possessions were a horse, gun, axe and a few tools. His neighbor, borther-in-law John Warner, had an ox-team and by exchhanging he managed to get on in a fashion.
An epidemic of typhoid fever claimed two boys and a girl. John and a friend took axes and cleared a place to bury his dead children. This place became the Gerberich Burial Ground
Note H1255
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]
From the History of Morrow County, Ohio, 1880, pg. 687.
JOHN R. GARVERICK, m erchant; Whetstone; has been identified with this county since its erection, be ing the third of a family of nine children, and was born Feb. 25, 1838. His par ents, John F. and Rachel (Ruhl) Garverick were born and raised in York County, Pen nsylvania. John R. began for himself, when 23 years of age, and farmed for thre e years, with good success; he then relinauished this and went into mercantile business at West Point, where he has since remained, doing business under the f irm name of J. R. Garverick & Co. His first partner was his father, who died in 1872; the vacancy was filled by his youngest brother, and the business has bee n continued under the same name. Their trade has always been of a satisfactory nature, and so continues; they keep a general stock of dry goods, groceries, bo ots and shoes, queensware, notions, etc.; in connection with their store, they have the Post Office, Mr. Garverick having officiated as Post Master since 1874 . The success of the firm is due to their business tact. Mr. Garverick was marr ied Jan. 13, 1861, to Catherine, daughter of Jacob and Catherine Snyder, who wa s born June 7, 1838, in what is now Morrow Co. By this union eleven children ha ve been born, seven of whom are living-Mary E., Alla, Webster, Chester, Emma M. , Ira W. and John W. Himself and wife are members of the German Reformed Church .[
Abbrev: History of Morrow County, Ohio, 1880
Title: History of Morrow County, Ohio, 1880
Author: W. H. Perrin and J. H. Battle
Publication: August 1880 by O. L. Baskin & Co., Historical Publishers
Page: pg. 687
Abbrev: History of Morrow County, Ohio, 1989
Title: History of Morrow County, Ohio, 1989
Page: pgs. 74, 75
Abbrev: Morrow County, Ohio Vital Records, 1830-1893
Title: Morrow County, Ohio Vital Records, 1830-1893
Publication: August 31, 1999
From the History of Morrow County, Ohio, 1880, pg. 687.
JOHN R. GARVERICK, merchant; Whetstone; has been identified with this county since its erection, being the third of a family of nine children, and was born Feb. 25, 1838. His parents, John F. and Rachel (Ruhl) Garverick were born and raised in York County, Pennsylvania. John R. began for himself, when 23 years of age, and farmed for three years, with good success; he then relinauished this and went into mercantile business at West Point, where he has since remained, doing business under the firm name of J. R. Garverick & Co. His first partner was his father, who died in 1872; the vacancy was filled by his youngest brother, and the business has been continued under the same name. Their trade has always been of a satisfactory nature, and so continues; they keep a general stock of dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes, queensware, notions, etc.; in connection with their store, they have the Post Office, Mr. Garverick having officiated as Post Master since 1874. The success of the firm is due to their business tact. Mr. Garverick was married Jan. 13, 1861, to Catherine, daughter of Jacob and Catherine Snyder, who was born June 7, 1838, in what is now Morrow Co. By this union eleven children have been born, seven of whom are living-Mary E., Alla, Webster, Chester, Emma M., Ira W. and John W. Himself and wife are members of the German Reformed Church.