Note H1083
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]
3rd cousins once removed
Note H1084
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]
died a.6yrs. 12ds., gs., Central Cem.
Note H1085
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]
died "Charlotte wife of Silas Alden & widow of Ezra Thayer", Jun.5,1836 in 69th yr., gs.
Mrs. Charlotte Thayer was baptized and joined Randolph Church Aug.17,1800 and the first seven children were baptized Jun.14,1801.
Note H1086
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]
Res. Temple St. (died a.77yrs. 8mo. Patriot).
He was a hotel keeper in 1850 census, kept the Hancock House on Hancock St. between Saville St. & Depot St. and sold the land where the present City Hall stands to the town. He was then Daniel Jr.
- infant - died Jun.6,1826 a.1 day.
Note H1087
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]
(Daniel not Samuel, error) Jul.1,1753 (sic) Daniel bapt. Jul.8 at So. Parish.
He was elected surveyor of highways 1780,1785, constable 1784.
1st cousins
Note H1088
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]
Lived on the east side of Commercial St. near Hayward St. He was elected hogreave 1724.
- child- buried Nov.11,1727 - Diary of Rev. S. Niles.
29-25: Annah Frence widow made administrator of husband Dependence French, husbandman, May 10,1731.
16-97 N.S. Dependence French & Anna Frence widow bonded with Richard Thayer, blacksmith & Ephraim Arnold, mariner, in estate of Dependence French.
80-317: Distribution of dower - To Gideon eldest son a double portion £20 & to Rebecca, Anna & Elizabeth £10 each Nov.12,1779.
80-318: Distribution of dower - To Gideon only son real estate as not capable of a division & he to pay his 3 sisters £162.
29-258, Inventory Jun.28,1731 - To an Indian slave, etc.
To the homestead on each side the country road with a dwelling house & barn £500. 6 1/2 a. called Niles pasture £91. 3 1/2 a. salt marsh £80. 8 a. woodland at Aldridge farm 4 a. fresh meadow £70. 15 a. woodland near the South meeting house £40. 27 a. outlands in 2 parcels £67/10/. A small piece of woodland & a piece of cedar swamp £10. 8th part of an iron work & 8th part of a saw mill £43. 11 a. near John French's about half of it improved land £50. Total P1230/13/, taken by Samuel White, William Hunt & Nathaniel Wales.
45-6 - Account - Taken by William Hunt, Seth Copeland, James Penniman, Jonathan Allen & John Hayward.
45-352: Division - 1/3 to widow Anna for life & 2/5 of a double portion to only son Gideon & 1/5 to three daus. Rebecca, Ann & Elizabeth. To widow Anna that part of the homestead on E. side of country road to a certain old wall by the little common so called, 17 a. with the new part of the dwelling house & half of barn. To son Gideon all the homestead on W. side of country road about 6 a. & half of barn the old end of house & the Niles pasture so called 6 a. & that pasture called little common 5 1/2 a. & a piece of fresh meadow in Aldridge farm 2 a. To Rebecca salt marsh at Penny Ferry & another near Rocky land (Rock Island?) & 1 1/2 a. meadow at Aldridge farm & 17 a. woodland in Cochato part of 17th & 18th lots. To Anna 10 a. between John French & Dea. Samuel Bass & rest of the great wood lot upon the country road to Taunton after 10 a. is taken off at the W. end. To Elizabeth said W. end of last mentioned lot being 10 a. & woodland at Aldridge farm 11 1/2 a. Apr.5,1751.
76-7, May 2,1777 - Gideon French, cordwainer, adm. of Dependence French & bonded with Joshua Thayer, shipwright, of Bra. & Obadiah Thayer of Boston, merchant.
76-591 - Inventory of widows dower - 17 a. £113/6/8 & part of an old poor dwelling house thereon £5/6/8 & part of barn £1/6/8. Jun.9,1777.
Note H1089
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]
Probably this refers to him. "April 6,1792 Ebenezer French, his death was occasioned by a fall from the head of a schooner mast the evening before when she was launched."
Note H1090
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]
Purchased the house of his father & grandfather where Thayer Academy now is and moved it 1/4 mile north and it was occupied in 1892 by E. Alden Belcher, his son in law says S.A. Bates. Shown on 1832 & 1856 & 1876 maps, north of Weston Ave.