Individual Notes

Note for:   Moddan Of Darl Caithness,    -          Index

Event:   18K0-VKB
     Type:   unknown

Individual Notes

Note for:   Moddan (Maddan) Caithness,   ABT 1040 - 1120         Index

     Type:   unknown

Event:   Earl Of Caithness
     Type:   Title Of Nobility

Individual Notes

Note for:   Maddon ,    -          Index

Event:   Earl of Caithness
     Type:   Title (Facts Pg)

Individual Notes

Note for:   William Douglas,   BET 1137 AND 1165 - ABT 1214         Index

Event:   Lord of Douglas
     Type:   Title Of Nobility

Individual Notes

Note for:   William Comyn,   1163 - 1233         Index

Occupation:   Great Chancellor of Scotland

Occupation:   Justiciar of Scotland

Occupation:   Justiciar of Scotland

Event:   About William Comyn, Earl of Buchan William Comyn was one of four son
     Type:   LifeSketch

Event:   Lord of Badenoch
     Type:   Title (Nobility)

Event:   Earl of Buchan Jure Uxoris
     Type:   Title Of Nobility

Event:   Earl of Buchan Jure Uxoris
     Type:   Title Of Nobility

Event:   Applecross Priest (Presbítero de Applecross)
     Type:   Title Of Nobility

Event:   first Earl of Buchan
     Type:   Title (Nobility)

Event:   first Earl of Buchan
     Type:   Title (Nobility)

Event:   Applecross Priest (Presbítero de Applecross)
     Type:   Title Of Nobility

     Date:   1233
     Place:   Banff, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

Individual Notes

Note for:   William Comyn,   1163 - 1233         Index

Occupation:   Great Chancellor of Scotland

Occupation:   Justiciar of Scotland

Event:   Earl
     Type:   Title Of Nobility

Event:   Lord of Badenoch
     Type:   Title (Nobility)

Event:   About William Comyn, Earl of Buchan William Comyn was one of four son
     Type:   LifeSketch

Event:   first Earl of Buchan
     Type:   Title (Nobility)

Event:   Earl of Buchan Jure Uxoris
     Type:   Title Of Nobility

Event:   Applecross Priest (Presbítero de Applecross)
     Type:   Title Of Nobility

     Date:   1233
     Place:   Banff, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

Individual Notes

Note for:   Adam Seton,   1190 - 1249         Index

Event:   Baron
     Type:   Title Of Nobility

Event:   Knight
     Type:   Title Of Nobility

Event:   Knight
     Type:   Title Of Nobility

Event:   Knight
     Type:   Title Of Nobility

Event:   Knight
     Type:   Title Of Nobility

Event:   Knight
     Type:   Title Of Nobility