GedHTree HomepageIndex
1869 Transcontinental Railroad complete
1879 Edison invents phono/light bulb
1898 Spanish-American War
1903 Wright brothers 1st plane flight
1908 Ford produces Model T
1805 Lewis and Clark reach Pacific
1812 - 1814 War of 1812 with Britain
1846 War w/Mexico,Calif & NM acquired
1861 - 1865 Civil War, North vs. South
1867 Alaska Territory purchased
1773 Boston Tea Party tax rebellion
1775 - 1783 Revolutionary War
1776 Declaration of Independence
1789 George Washington first president
1803 Louisiana Territory Purchased
 Everett Ellis Bates
 b.1848 Weymout, Massachusetts
 Abraham Bates
 b.1826 Weymout, Massachusetts
 Abbot C Bates
 b.1855 Weymout, Massachusetts
 George Lewis Bates
 b.1859 Weymout, Massachusetts
 Willard Herbert Bates
 b.1865 Weymout, Massachusetts
 Ezra Tirrell
 b.1794 Weymout, Massachusetts
 d.1876 Weymout, Massachusetts
 Ruth Tirrell
 b.1827 Weymout, Massachusetts
 d.1879 Weymout, Massachusetts
 Stephen French
 b.1765 Weymout, Massachusetts
 d.1834 Weymout, Massachusetts
 Susannah French
 b.1802 Weymout, Massachusetts
 d.1839 Weymout, Massachusetts
 Susannah Jones
 b.1773 Weymout, Massachusetts
 d.1823 Walpole, Massachusetts

1869 Transcontinental Railroad complete
1879 Edison invents phono/light bulb
1898 Spanish-American War
1903 Wright brothers 1st plane flight
1908 Ford produces Model T
1805 Lewis and Clark reach Pacific
1812 - 1814 War of 1812 with Britain
1846 War w/Mexico,Calif & NM acquired
1861 - 1865 Civil War, North vs. South
1867 Alaska Territory purchased
1773 Boston Tea Party tax rebellion
1775 - 1783 Revolutionary War
1776 Declaration of Independence
1789 George Washington first president
1803 Louisiana Territory Purchased
 Alfred Leavitt Bates
 b.1835 Weymout, Massachusetts
 Effie Clifton Bates
 b.1865 Weymout, Massachusetts
 Grace Lincoln Bates
 b.1868 Weymout, Massachusetts
 Nathan Bates
 b.1872 Weymout, Massachusetts
 d.1873 Weymout, Massachusetts
 Stephen Stowell
 b.          Weymout, Massachusetts
 Catherine Ellen Stowell
 Abner Derby
 b.1762 Weymout, Massachusetts
 d.1807 Weymout, Massachusetts
 Mary White Derby
 b.1800 Weymout, Massachusetts
 Mary White
 b.1771 Weymout, Massachusetts
 d.1833 Weymout, Massachusetts

1805 Lewis and Clark reach Pacific
1812 - 1814 War of 1812 with Britain
1846 War w/Mexico,Calif & NM acquired
1861 - 1865 Civil War, North vs. South
1867 Alaska Territory purchased
1773 Boston Tea Party tax rebellion
1775 - 1783 Revolutionary War
1776 Declaration of Independence
1789 George Washington first president
1803 Louisiana Territory Purchased
1700 American colonies prosper
1720 Texas becomes Spanish possession
1735 Freedom of press established
1740 Colony population = 1.5 million
1754 - 1763 Anglo-French War
 Mary Bates
 b.1780 Weymout, Massachusetts
 Robert Bates
 b.1759 Weymout, Massachusetts
 d.1838 East Brid, Massachusetts
 Thomas Bates
 b.1784 Weymout, Massachusetts
 John Bates
 b.1786 Weymout, Massachusetts
 Sarah Bates
 b.1788 Weymout, Massachusetts
 d.1811 Weymout, Massachusetts
 Benjamin Bicknell
 b.1727 Weymout, Massachusetts
 d.1806 Weymout, Massachusetts
 John Bates
 b.1790 Weymout, Massachusetts
 Susannah Bicknell
 b.1756 Weymout, Massachusetts
 d.1790 Weymout, Massachusetts
 Thomas Kingman
 b.1700 Weymout, Massachusetts
 Mary Kingman
 b.1729 Weymout, Massachusetts
 d.1766 Weymout, Massachusetts
 Mary Ripley
 b.1695 Weymout, Massachusetts

1939 - 1945 World War II
1945 Atomic bomb detonated (Hiroshima)
1950 Korean War begins
1964 - 1973 Vietnam War
1969 Armstrong first person on the moon
1903 Wright brothers 1st plane flight
1908 Ford produces Model T
1913 Edison invents movies w/sound
1914 - 1918 World War I
1929 The Great Depression begins
1861 - 1865 Civil War, North vs. South
1867 Alaska Territory purchased
1869 Transcontinental Railroad complete
1879 Edison invents phono/light bulb
1898 Spanish-American War
 Clifford W Bates
 b.1929 Coventry, England
 James Henderson Farrier
 b.1863 Newcastle Upon , England
 d.1949 Newcastle Upon , England
 William Richardson Farrier
 b.1891 Newcastle Upon , England
 d.1957 Coventry, England
 Margaret Richardson
 b.1863 Newcastle Upon , England
 d.1924 Newcastle Upon , England
 Elizabeth Ann Farrier
 b.1931 Newcastle Upon , England
 d.1964 Coventry, England
 Nathaniel Hall
 b.1871 Newcastle Upon , England
 d.1933 Newcastle Upon , England
 Elizabeth Ann Hall
 b.1894 Newcastle Upon , England
 d.1970 Coventry, England
 Hannah Woods
 b.1870 Newcastle Upon , England
 d.1948 Newcastle Upon , England

1812 - 1814 War of 1812 with Britain
1846 War w/Mexico,Calif & NM acquired
1861 - 1865 Civil War, North vs. South
1867 Alaska Territory purchased
1869 Transcontinental Railroad complete
1775 - 1783 Revolutionary War
1776 Declaration of Independence
1789 George Washington first president
1803 Louisiana Territory Purchased
1805 Lewis and Clark reach Pacific
1720 Texas becomes Spanish possession
1735 Freedom of press established
1740 Colony population = 1.5 million
1754 - 1763 Anglo-French War
1773 Boston Tea Party tax rebellion
 Howland Cowing
 b.1759 Braintree, Massachusetts
 d.1839 Weymout, Massachusetts
 Joshua Bates Cowing
 Balch Cowing
 b.1780 Braintree, Massachusetts
 Thomas Hollis
 b.1710 Braintree, Massachusetts
 d.1794 Braintree, Massachusetts
 Susan H Cowing
 Rachel Hollis
 b.1759 Braintree, Massachusetts
 Rachel Mekusett
 b.1717 Braintree, Massachusetts
 Maria T Cowing
 Henry Balch Cowing
 b.1812 Weymout, Massachusetts
 Francis Howland Cowing
 Cynthia Bates
 b.1786 Weymout, Massachusetts
 d.1866 Weymout, Massachusetts
 Lucretia Ann Cowing
 Sarah Ann Cowing