Source for: William Ballard, 8 SEP 1715 - 12 JUN 1794
Name source: S123Text: Record for William Ballard Jr
Name source: S268Page: Database online.
Text: Record for Mary Byrum Ballard
Page: Database online.
Text: Record for Mary Byrom
Page: Database online.
Text: Record for William Ballard
Page: Database online.
Text: Record for Hannah Philadelphia Lee Ludwell
Name source: S124Page: Birth year: 1715; Birth city: York Co; Birth state: VA
Text: Record for William Ballard
Name source: S119Page: Source number: 3537.032; Source type: Family group sheet, FGSE, listed as parents; Number of Pages: 1
Text: Record for William Ballard
Name source: S125Text: Record for William Ballard
Name source: S279Text: Record for William Ballard Jr
Name source: S291@M352@
Name source: S210Page: Document: Personal Property Tax Lists, 1782 [Virginia State Library]; Call Number: FHL Film 2024443; Page Number: 17; Family Number: 4
Name source: S268Page: Database online.
Text: Record for William Ballard
Note: @N1138@
Name source: S126Text: Record for William Ballard Jr
Note: @N1139@
Name source: S268Page: Database online.
Text: Record for Mary Byrum Ballard
Note: @N1140@
Page: Database online.
Text: Record for Mary Byrom
Note: @N1141@
Page: Database online.
Text: Record for Hannah Philadelphia Lee Ludwell
Note: @N1142@
Birth source: S268Page: Database online.
Text: Record for Mary Byrum Ballard
Page: Database online.
Text: Record for Mary Byrom
Page: Database online.
Text: Record for William Ballard
Page: Database online.
Text: Record for Hannah Philadelphia Lee Ludwell
Page: Database online.
Text: Record for Mary Byrum Ballard
Note: @N1140@
Page: Database online.
Text: Record for Mary Byrom
Note: @N1141@
Page: Database online.
Text: Record for Hannah Philadelphia Lee Ludwell
Note: @N1142@
Page: Database online.
Text: Record for William Ballard
Note: @N1138@
Burial source: S123Text: Record for William Ballard Jr
Residence source: S268Page: Database online.
Text: Record for 10- William Ballard
Residence source: S210Page: Document: Personal Property Tax Lists, 1782 [Virginia State Library]; Call Number: FHL Film 2024443; Page Number: 17; Family Number: 4
Residence source: S268Page: Database online.
Text: Record for 10- William Ballard
Note: @N1143@
Death source: S268Page: Database online.
Text: Record for Mary Byrum Ballard
Page: Database online.
Text: Record for Mary Byrom
Page: Database online.
Text: Record for William Ballard
Page: Database online.
Text: Record for Hannah Philadelphia Lee Ludwell
Page: Database online.
Text: Record for Mary Byrum Ballard
Note: @N1140@
Page: Database online.
Text: Record for Mary Byrom
Note: @N1141@
Page: Database online.
Text: Record for Hannah Philadelphia Lee Ludwell
Note: @N1142@
Page: Database online.
Text: Record for William Ballard
Note: @N1138@
Birth source: S268Page: Database online.
Text: Record for Hannah Philadelphia Lee Ludwell
Death source: S268Page: Database online.
Text: Record for Hannah Philadelphia Lee Ludwell
Birth source: S123Text: Record for William Ballard Jr
Death source: S123Text: Record for William Ballard Jr
Birth source: S124Page: Birth year: 1715; Birth city: York Co; Birth state: VA
Text: Record for William Ballard
Death source: S124Page: Birth year: 1715; Birth city: York Co; Birth state: VA
Text: Record for William Ballard
Birth source: S119Page: Source number: 3537.032; Source type: Family group sheet, FGSE, listed as parents; Number of Pages: 1
Text: Record for William Ballard
Death source: S125Text: Record for William Ballard
Name source: S268Page: Database online.
Text: Record for 10- William Ballard
Birth source: S268Page: Database online.
Text: Record for 10- William Ballard
Death source: S268Page: Database online.
Text: Record for 10- William Ballard
Birth source: S279Text: Record for William Ballard Jr
Death source: S279Text: Record for William Ballard Jr
Residence source: S291@M352@