
Source for:   Perry Spangle,   ABT 1846 -          Index

Birth source:    S10

Page:   59

Text:   915 705 732 Annar Hanlon daughter _ _ _ _ F W 19 S _ N Y Illinois Illinois Illinois _ 61 _ _ _ _ Y stenographer wholesale-cigar-store 7190 W Y _ _ _ _ 1930 United States Federal Census, 59, 915 705 732 Annar Hanlon daughter _ _ _ _ F W 19 S _ N Y IL IL IL _ 61 _ _ _ _ Y stenographer cwholesale-cigar-store 7190 W Y _ _ _ _.

Census source:    S10
Page:   17

Text:   _ 206 207 Perry Spangle head O Un _ N M W 84 M 20 N Y IL GA NC _ 61 _ _ _ _ Y none _ _ _ _ _ Y Civ _

_MIL    S10

_MIL    S13

Text:   Name: Perry Spangle ,
Residence: Newbern, Illinois
Enlistment Date: 03 September 1864
Distinguished Service: DISTINGUISHED SERVICE
Side Served: Union
State Served: Illinois
Unit Numbers: 324 324
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 03 September 1864
Enlisted in Company B, 144th Infantry Regiment Illinois on 07 September 1864.
Transfered on 21 December 1864 from company B to company K
Mustered out Company B, 144th Infantry Regiment Illinois on 14 July 1865

_MIL    S12
Page:   Regiment: 144th Infantry Regiment IL

Text:   Date Mustered: 14 July 1865
Regiment Type: Infantry
Enlisted Died of Disease or Accident: 0
Officers Died of Disease or Accident: 0
Enlisted Killed or Mortally Wounded: 0
Regimental Soldiers and History: List of Soldiers

Regimental History
(One Year)

One Hundred and Forty-fourth Infantry.-Cols., Cyrus Hall,
John H. Kuhn; Lieut.-Cols., John H. Kuhn, James N. Morgan;
Majs., James N. Morgan, Emil Adam. This regiment was
organized at Alton, in the autumn of 1864, as a one year
regiment. It was mustered into the service on Oct. 21, with a
numerical strength of 1,159. In Jan., 1865, four companies
were sent to St. Louis, where their term of service was spent,
the other six companies remaining on guard duty at Alton. The
regiment was mustered out July 14, 1865.

Source: The Union Army, vol. 3

Battles Fought

_MIL    S10
Page:   59

Text:   915 705 732 Annar Hanlon daughter _ _ _ _ F W 19 S _ N Y Illinois Illinois Illinois _ 61 _ _ _ _ Y stenographer wholesale-cigar-store 7190 W Y _ _ _ _ 1930 United States Federal Census, 59, 915 705 732 Annar Hanlon daughter _ _ _ _ F W 19 S _ N Y IL IL IL _ 61 _ _ _ _ Y stenographer cwholesale-cigar-store 7190 W Y _ _ _ _.

_MIL    S13

Text:   Name: Perry Spangle , Residence: Newbern, Illinois Enlistment Date: 03 September 1864 Distinguished Service: DISTINGUISHED SERVICE Side Served: Union State Served: Illinois Unit Numbers: 324 324 Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 03 September 1864 Enlisted in Company B, 144th Infantry Regiment Illinois on 07 September 1864. Transfered on 21 December 1864 from company B to company K Mustered out Company B, 144th Infantry Regiment Illinois on 14 July 1865
Note:   @N802@

_MIL    S12
Page:   Regiment: 144th Infantry Regiment IL

Text:   Date Mustered: 14 July 1865 Regiment Type: Infantry Enlisted Died of Disease or Accident: 0 Officers Died of Disease or Accident: 0 Enlisted Killed or Mortally Wounded: 0 Regimental Soldiers and History: List of Soldiers Regimental History ILLINOIS 144TH INFANTRY (One Year) One Hundred and Forty-fourth Infantry.-Cols., Cyrus Hall, John H. Kuhn; Lieut.-Cols., John H. Kuhn, James N. Morgan; Majs., James N. Morgan, Emil Adam. This regiment was organized at Alton, in the autumn of 1864, as a one year regiment. It was mustered into the service on Oct. 21, with a numerical strength of 1,159. In Jan., 1865, four companies were sent to St. Louis, where their term of service was spent, the other six companies remaining on guard duty at Alton. The regiment was mustered out July 14, 1865. Source: The Union Army, vol. 3 Battles Fought
Note:   @N803@

Occupation source:    S5

Occupation source:    S6

Occupation source:    S5
Page:   6

Text:   _ _ 11 11 James Hanlon Jr W M 18? _ son X _ _ _ works-in-?-factory _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Illinois Ireland Ireland

Residence source:    S13

Text:   Name: Perry Spangle ,
Residence: Newbern, Illinois
Enlistment Date: 03 September 1864
Distinguished Service: DISTINGUISHED SERVICE
Side Served: Union
State Served: Illinois
Unit Numbers: 324 324
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 03 September 1864
Enlisted in Company B, 144th Infantry Regiment Illinois on 07 September 1864.
Transfered on 21 December 1864 from company B to company K
Mustered out Company B, 144th Infantry Regiment Illinois on 14 July 1865

Text:   Name: Perry Spangle , Residence: Newbern, Illinois Enlistment Date: 03 September 1864 Distinguished Service: DISTINGUISHED SERVICE Side Served: Union State Served: Illinois Unit Numbers: 324 324 Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 03 September 1864 Enlisted in Company B, 144th Infantry Regiment Illinois on 07 September 1864. Transfered on 21 December 1864 from company B to company K Mustered out Company B, 144th Infantry Regiment Illinois on 14 July 1865
Note:   @N802@

Census source:    S5
Page:   20

Text:   _ _ 199 210 Perry Spangle W M 35 _ head _ X _ _ farmer _ _ _ _ _ _ X _ _ _ IL OH OH

Census source:    S6
Page:   21

Text:   _ 225 226 Perry Spangle head W M Aug 1846? 54 M 33 _ _ IL PA OH _ _ _ farmer O Y Y Y O M F 140

Census source:    S8
Page:   5

Text:   _ 44 45 Perry Spangle head M W 64 M1 IL OH OH _ _ English own-income _ _ _ _ Y Y _ ? ? ? _ ? _ _

Census source:    S9
Page:   6

Text:   _ 59 59 Perry Spangle head O M M W 74 M _ _ _ _ Y Y IL _ OH _ OH _Y none _ _ _